
Click here to run free scan for TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan related Trojan virus
TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan Description:
TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan is a type of Trojan that runs quietly in the background without the computer user's knowledge. Usually the attacker uses the TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan to connect to a predetermined website to increase the vote counter. TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan is considered as one of the most malicious Trojan virus.
Warning: TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan can launch an HTTP server on a random TCP port, this is then used to download the TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan executable file to other computers. TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan is used to act as a legal program to get the illegal purpose. In order to remove TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan, just download Best Spyware Scanner, using its powerful security utility to handle the problem.
How to remove TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan manually?
1. Remove the registry entries hidden by TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan.
The followings are registry entries that may have been modified by TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion Explorer\ShellFolders Startup="C:\windows\start menu\programs\startup
2. Remove all the files associated with TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan.
The followings are folders where TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan related files may locate:
Do you feel annoyed about the instructions of manual removal? Do you want to know a easier method to thoroughly remove TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan? The best solution is to download and install Best Spyware Scanner. It can help you scan all the malicious information including TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan on your computer and clean them up automatically with the best spyware removal tool in the market. With Best Spyware Scanner, the threat information will disappear forever.
How to Remove TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan Automatically?
- Download and install Best Spyware Scanner.
- Run an Online Scan with Best Spyware Scanner.
- If the threat TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan is detected, click "Remove" to delete this malicious item.
In case that any stubborn threat could not be removed immediately by the method above, please feel free to contact us for a thorough solution. Just use the Analysis function of Best Spyware Scanner to send us an Analysis Report. Our technical experts of Best Spyware Scanner will promptly analyze it and give you a proper solution for your specific spyware problem.
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It is 100% guaranteed to remove TR/Gendal.9216.ES.trojan from your PC completely with Best Spyware Scanner.
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